This process should be more about you than me.
About You
There are few things more personal and important than finding the right home.
But in today’s market, perhaps more than ever before, home ownership is a daunting challenge. There is no room for mistakes nor should there be. Finding the right home is not just getting from A to B on paper. It is getting from A to B in your heart, in your peace of mind, and yes -- most assuredly -- in your bank account.
Helping you do this is what I do for a living.
Because as personal and important as it is for you to find the right home, it’s equally personal and important to me to make it happen.
So you won’t see Team Gold or Team Shauna on my signage. You won’t see it on my website. You won’t see it on my business cards or my license plates or on the back of a city bus. It works for some but it doesn’t work for me.
I am less Team Me than Team You. It sounds corny, but not when it comes to your home.
Because you are the one living in that home. You are the one defining it. You are the one paying for it. You are the one who cherishes your own space and chooses to live alone. You are the one who loves a rambling suburban garden or the energy of a downtown condo. You are the one who shares your home with a aging parent or a brood of energetic kids or a couple of dogs, a parakeet, an incontinent cat, a grandchild, some basement-suite tenants -- or whoever else is part of your life, and needs a roof over their head in your home.
You are the one who defines home.
I am the one who listens to that definition and helps you find it in the right place at the right price.
About Me
I was born and raised in British Columbia, but my passion for music took me to Nettwerk Music Group where I transitioned from a junior talent agent to Senior Vice President of Artist Management. I spent 14 fantastic years at Nettwerk where I worked alongside brilliant artists like Sarah McLachlan, Dido, and Coldplay. I travelled the world, forged lifelong friendships, and managed the career of the very talented, Avril Lavigne. It was high pressure. It was rewarding. It was exhilarating. It sharpened my negotiating skills and honed my organizational skills to the level expected by great artists.
But after 14 incredible years of hotel rooms and jet lag, I realized that as much as I loved spending time in some of the most beautiful cities in the world, Vancouver was the city I wanted to call home for myself, my partner, and our son.
It was time for a change.
I had invested in Vancouver real estate successfully during my years at Nettwerk and thought -- maybe -- with training and hard work I could translate that success into a second career in real estate that would allow me to earn a living in the city I loved.
So I applied my negotiating, communication, and organizational skills to the task. I studied the markets, earned my license, and embarked on my new career as a realtor. In doing so, I discovered that it was not unlike the music business. Front of house or backstage, people are people. They want to make informed decisions.
It is my job now, as a realtor, to make sure that happens for my clients. You might not be singing in New York any time soon, but you’re going to get the same level of care and attention from me as if you are.
Informed Decisions
My job is to educate my clients and prepare them to make an informed decision. I see no value in rushing a client through the decision-making process, but be warned! If I think you’re settling for second-best or veering off track or making the wrong call because you’re tired of looking, I’ll let you know. Oh yes, I will.
The Bottom Line
Referrals make up 95% of my business. That doesn’t happen by accident. It happens because when I find the right home for someone, I earn their trust. And with that trust, comes a referral or two. And with those referrals comes an opportunity for me, Shauna Gold, to do a great job for someone else. And that’s my real bottom line.
Because nothing makes me happier than finding the perfect home for my clients and seeing that moment of excitement on their faces when the decision is made that -- Yes! This is the one! This is home.
Maybe I can do the same for you.